Peter: Alright, so Job 3 is all about Job, the dude who lost everything. He's just like, "Why me, God? Why me?"

Lois: Just like the time Meg found out she was adopted and blamed us for it.

Peter: Yikes, let's not bring up that episode. Anyways, so Job is mad at God and he's like, "Why'd you make me, why'd you curse me with life?"

Brian: Wow, that's dark, man. Like the time Stewie had a midlife crisis at age 6.

Lois: Yeah, but he got over it eventually.

Peter: Yeah, I guess. Anyways, so Job is really upset and he's like, "I wish I was never born. I wish I never even existed." He's totally having a moment.

Stewie: Like the time I said I'd rather be dead than watch another episode of Paw Patrol.

Lois: Oh, Stewie don't be so dramatic.

Peter: Yeah, I mean, I get it, but it's not that bad. Anyways, so that's Job 3. Pretty depressing, but it's a part of the Bible, so it's alright.