Peter: Alright, so this is Job 18. Brian: Yeah, so it's all about Bildad, this guy who's, like, super pessimistic and cynical? Peter: Yeah, he's like an old timey version of Meg. He's all like, "Job, you're suffering because you've done something wrong." And then Job's all like, "Nuh-uh!" Brian: Right, and then Bildad's all like, "The wicked will be consumed by their own evil." Peter: Yeah, and then he's all like, "Their own homes will be their tombs and their own bed will be their graves." Brian: Oh man, that's intense. Peter: Yeah, it's like one of those old-school Grand Theft Auto games, you know? Like, you do something wrong and you get punished for it. Brian: Yeah, like if you drive too fast and the cops come after you. Peter: Exactly!