Peter: Alright, so this is Job 8. So, uh, Job's buddy Bildad is telling him that, like, God is gonna help him out if he just repents and stuff.

Lois: Ah, like that episode of Seinfeld where George thought God was gonna help him if he just moved to LA?

Peter: Yeah, except with fewer Festivus miracles.

Bildad: Anyway, Job, you don't have much time to turn things around - if you don't repent soon, you're gonna be like a flower that blooms and then dies, y'know?

Stewie: Like that scene in Titanic where the old lady was all "I'm like a flower, Jack"!

Brian: Yeah, that was a real tear-jerker.

Bildad: Anyway, Job, if you don't turn things around, even your children will be cursed and you'll be wiped out like a city in a video game.

Stewie: Like in Grand Theft Auto? I love that game!

Peter: Yeah, Bildad isn't wrong - if you don't turn things around, things are gonna get really bad, really fast.

Lois: Like in those horror movies where people don't heed the warnings and then the killer comes and gets them.

Peter: Yeah, exactly. Just something to think about, Job.