Peter: Alright, so this one is about Job, who's like totally super humble and stuff, but then he's like "Remember when I used to be awesome and all the peeps respected me? Yeah, that was great."

Lois: I'm guessing he's not so humble now.

Peter: Nope. He's like "Man, I had it all. Back in the day, I was like a king of the castle, ya know? Like that song, 'King of the Castle' by the Monkees!

Cleveland: Oooh, I love that song.

Peter: Yeah, it's a classic. Anyway, Job's all like, "I was respected by all, like a celebrity. I was like the Brad Pitt of my time, except I had more money."

Quagmire: Hey! I'm still the Brad Pitt of today!

Peter: Alright, alright, calm down. So, Job's all like, "I was generous and gave to the poor and needy. I was like the Mother Teresa of my time, except I had better hair." And, uh, that's it.