Joe: Alright, so what can you tell me about Job 29?
Bible Expert: Job 29 is a continuation of Job's lament. He speaks of his past life, when he was prosperous and held in high esteem by his community. He describes his care for the poor and needy, and his justice in settling disputes. He laments the loss of his former glory, and his current suffering.
Joe: So, he was a good dude before all this happened?
Bible Expert: Yes, it appears so. He was an honorable and respected member of the community. He was generous and just in his dealings.
Joe: Wow, Jamie, look this guy up!
Jamie: (typing away) Yeah, Joe, it looks like Job was a real stand-up guy.
Joe: But then he was hit with this really bad streak of bad luck. What happened?
Bible Expert: Yes, Job experienced a series of calamities and losses. He lost his wealth, his children, and his health.
Joe: Damn, that's rough. So, what does Job do?
Bible Expert: Job responds with faith and hope. He trusts in God, knowing that God is ultimately in control of all things. He also expresses his hope that God will restore him and his fortunes.