Joe: Alright, so what do you got for Job 13?
Bible Expert: Well Joe, in Job 13 the book of Job continues as Job continues to plead his case before God. He argues that God should not be so harsh on him for his suffering and insists that he has done nothing to deserve it. He states that God should not punish him without first giving him a chance to defend himself.
Joe: Wow, that's powerful stuff! So what else happens?
Bible Expert: Job also criticizes his friends who have been accusing him of being wicked and sinful. He insists that their advice is misguided and that God will ultimately be his vindicator.
Joe: Interesting. So God is going to be his vindicator?
Bible Expert: Yes, Job believes that God will ultimately vindicate him and prove that he has been wrongfully treated. He proclaims his innocence before God and pleads for an opportunity to defend himself.
Joe: That's intense. Do you think God will hear him?
Bible Expert: Well, only time will tell. But, Job's faith in God is strong and he is certain that God will ultimately deliver him from his troubles.