Joe: Alright, so Job 19. What's that one all about?
Bible Expert: Well, Job 19 focuses on Job's response to his friends who have been criticizing him. He's angry and frustrated and he's basically telling them that God is the only one who can give him justice.
Joe: So, he's basically saying that it's not up to his friends to judge him?
Bible Expert: Yes, that's exactly it. He's basically saying that if God wants to judge him, then he will, but it's not up to his friends.
Joe: Interesting. So, what else does this chapter say?
Bible Expert: Well, the main point is that despite the suffering Job has gone through, he still trusts in God and believes in his justice. He says that even if his body is destroyed, his spirit will remain in God's hands. He also talks about how God will eventually redeem him and restore him to his former glory.
Joe: Wow, that's some powerful stuff. Jamie, you better look that up and make sure it's true!
Jamie: On it, boss!