Joe: Alright, so what have we got here? Job 25.
Bible Expert: Right, Job 25. This chapter starts with Bildad the Shuhite sharing his thoughts on the matter of why people suffer. He believes that human suffering is a result of human sin.
Joe: Interesting. Is that true?
Bible Expert: Well, it is true in some cases, but not always. Bildad is trying to make the point that God is always just and so humans who suffer must be sinful in some way.
Joe: Hmm, okay. What else do we got?
Bible Expert: Well, in the next few verses, Bildad goes on to talk about how small and insignificant humans are in comparison to God, and how God is so powerful and majestic that we can't even comprehend it.
Joe: Wow! That's crazy!
Bible Expert: Yeah, it's definitely a powerful image. And then, Bildad finishes his speech by asking Job to accept his advice and submit to God.
Joe: Alright, so what's the takeaway from this chapter?
Bible Expert: The takeaway is that we should all recognize the power and majesty of God, and that we should seek to live in accordance with His will. We must also remember that God is always just and that He will ultimately reward the righteous and punish the wicked.