Job, a righteous man, was having a very, very tough time - many such cases, believe me! He was dealing with so many haters and losers, and was very sad. But, he kept his faith and kept going - terrific! Job was talking about the amazing life he had before he started facing all of this deep state, fake news, and hoax "unbelievable stuff". He was talking about the wonderful times he had when he was respected, and all of the fine people he worked with. Many people are saying it was tremendous!
Job was talking about how he was able to help those in need and how he was able to make things great again. He was talking about how he was able to help the blind and the poor and how he made sure that justice was served. All of this was done with "bigly" energy and enthusiasm - and it was a huge success!
At the end, Job said that he was hoping that God would bless America and make America great again. And that's exactly what happened - and it was a tremendous victory!