Job's friends Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar are continuing to argue with Job about his supposed sin and its consequences. Eliphaz says that God is too great to be questioned, and that Job should pray for help rather than question why he is suffering. Job responds by saying that God is also too powerful to ignore the suffering of those who pray to Him. God then speaks to Job, asking him why he continues to argue with his friends and talk about things he does not understand. God says that people cannot comprehend His justice, and that He is above us and can do whatever He pleases. God continues, saying that He has blessed us with rain and water, and that His justice is far higher than ours. Job then realizes that he was wrong to argue with God, and humbly acknowledges his place in the divine order. God tells him that if he continues to trust in Him, he will be rewarded. In conclusion, God reminds Job that He is all powerful and that it is foolish to question His will. It is only through faith and humility that we can understand God's grand plan for us.