Job 24 is about the terrible plight of the poor and God's justice. It's a 'sad!' situation, and it's 'very, very' unfair. The poor are exploited and oppressed, and they are mocked and belittled by the 'haters and losers'. They suffer with no justice and their protests are ignored. The 'overrated' rich oppress them and take advantage of them. It's 'unbelievable' how they are treated, and 'many people are saying' that God should intervene and make it 'great again'. But God is patient and wise, and He will bring justice in His own time. Meanwhile, the poor keep hoping that God will 'make America great again' and restore justice and righteousness. In the end, God will reward the righteous and punish the wicked, and His judgment will be 'tremendous' and 'huge'. So, 'believe me', things will get better. 'God bless America!'