Job 23 is all about faith and trust in God. Job is having a tough time, but he knows God is in control. Job says he wishes he knew where God was so he could plead his case "bigly". He says that he has searched everywhere, but still can't find God. He laments that God has made his life hard, but he still believes that God will be the one to redeem him. He says that God has put his feet in the stocks and made his path crooked and painful. He is sad that God is so hard to find, and he questions why God has made his life so hard. But in the end, Job knows that God is in control, and he will eventually turn his sorrow into joy. He knows that God will make things right again, and he trusts that whatever God does will be for the best. Job 23 is a powerful reminder that no matter how hard life gets, we must have faith in God and trust that He will make things right. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #GodBlessAmerica