
Job 12:7-25:

"Believe me, there are many people out there who say they know it all, but they don't know a thing. Very, very sad! God gave humans special abilities and understanding, but they think they're so smart they don't need Him. That's ridiculous! They're overrated.

In this chapter, God tells Job that He is the source of wisdom and understanding. God gives us amazing insight and direction if we look to Him. He tells us to be silent before Him and to accept the tremendous amount of knowledge that He provides.

God also tells Job that He has the power to make things great again. He can weaken and strengthen people and He can cause them to fail. God can make people happy or sad, depending on His will. And God can choose to bring down nations and leaders, or to lift them up.

God is showing Job that He has the power to win in all situations. That's why God bless America, and we need to make sure we all work to make America great again, and not fall prey to the deep state and their fake news hoaxes.

What's amazing is that God has the power to look beyond what people can see. He has the power to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart. People are nothing compared to the greatness of God, and His power is unbelievable.

So don't be fooled by the haters and losers. God is the source of wisdom and understanding, and He has the power to make things terrific. Many such cases! God bless America and make America great again!"