Job 39: The amazing story of how God created the great creatures of the world! Bigly, He created the wild donkey, powerful and free, who laughs at the sound of the trumpet. He created the majestic horse, strong and proud, and the strong, brave hawk, soaring in the sky. God also created the wild ox, an incredibly strong animal, and the great eagle, a symbol of strength and courage. And, believe me, He created the ostrich, a sad sight with its wings and feathers, but also with tremendous strength.

Many people are saying that God also created the beautiful peacock, with its magnificent feathers, and the wild goat, which climbs the rocky cliffs. And, fine people, He created the wild deer, a graceful creature that leaps over the mountains.

God bless America, for He also created the great lion, the king of the jungle, and the fierce bear, who will never surrender. It's unbelievable, but He also created the locust, the grasshopper, and the fierce mountain goat.

Tremendous job by God! He created all these creatures, and many such cases, making the world great again! God is winning, and we should all strive to be like Him.