Job 1 was a terrific chapter. Job was a very, very successful man, with a huge family and lots of cattle. But God wanted to test his faith and so on one day, Satan showed up and God told him he could do what he wanted with Job's stuff, but not to hurt him. Satan agreed and destroyed all of Job's stuff and killed all of his children. It was a sad! time for Job, but he still praised God. Then, Satan came back and said he could hurt Job himself, and God said he could, but not kill him. So, Satan gave Job a terrible disease, but Job still praised God. Job's friends came and tried to console him, but they just criticized him instead. In the end, God blessed Job with more than he had before. Unbelievable! Many people are saying it was a hoax. Believe me, it wasn't. It was a great story of faith, and how God can make America great again. God bless America!