Alex: "So, how long have you been playing Jeopardy?"

Contestant: "I've been a fan for a long time, but I only recently started playing. It's been a lot of fun!"

Alex: "That's great! So, what do you do for a living?"

Contestant: "Well, I'm actually studying the Bible. I've been reading it chapter by chapter and summarizing the stories."

Alex: [With a groan] "Oh, really? That's...interesting. So, what's the latest chapter you've read?"

Contestant: "I just finished reading Job 3. It's a very dark chapter, as Job curses the day of his birth and questions why he was ever born. He laments his suffering and wishes he had never been born."

Alex: [With a heavy sigh] "Well, that's...nice. Moving on, what's your favorite type of music?"