Peter: All right, here we go: Psalms 1. So, the righteous man is like a tree planted by the rivers of water, bringing forth fruit in due season and his leaf shall not wither.

Lois: You mean like, if you water a tree, it'll produce apples?

Stewie: No, Lois, not quite. It's more like, the righteous man shall prosper and be successful in whatever he does.

Brian: Yeah, like if you plant a seed, you'll reap the benefits! ...Unless you plant a weed.

Chris: Yeah, but the unrighteous man is like chaff that the wind blows away.

Peter: That's right, Chris. And the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the unrighteous shall perish.

Lois: So don't be an unrighteous man… or else.

Stewie: [sarcastically] Don't worry, Lois. I'm sure there are plenty of unrighteous men out there who will be just fine.

Brian: Hey, the Bible said it, not me.

Peter: Alright, that's Psalms 1. Now let's move on to Psalms 2!