Lois: Alright, what's the summary for Psalms 97?

Peter: Alright, let's see...it's all about praising God because He rules the world, even when the wicked are around.

Brian: So, basically, God is the ultimate authority?

Peter: Yup! And He's the one who should be getting all the credit.

Lois: Okay, then what?

Peter: Well, it goes on to say that when God's power is revealed, the people rejoice and the mountains and hills dance for joy. It's like a big party!

Brian: That's awesome. So what else?

Peter: Oh, and it talks about how God's light shines on all the righteous, and how His truth and justice will always prevail.

Lois: Okay, so this is a pretty positive chapter then?

Peter: Absolutely! In the end, the wicked are punished, the righteous are rewarded, and God gets all the glory. It's like a Hollywood ending.

Brian: That's great! So what's the moral of the story?

Peter: Uhh... I guess it's that God is always in control and should be praised no matter what.