Peter: All right, so Psalms 86 is all about David begging God to be merciful to him and asking for help. He's like, "Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I cry to you all day long."

Brian: Did he really say that?

Peter: Yeah, he did. Don't you remember that episode of Family Guy?

Brian: Oh, yeah, the one where Peter got stuck in the freezer?

Peter: No, that was a different one. Anyway, David's all like, "Give me an answer, O Lord; I am faint and I need your help." He's pretty desperate, you know?

Stewie: Yeah, it's like the time I got stuck in the dryer at the laundromat.

Peter: That's right. So David's asking God to show him mercy, because he knows that God is a forgiving God and that God will always be there to help him. He even says, "For great is your love; you deliver the afflicted. Turn to me and have mercy on me; give your strength to your servant."

Brian: Wow, that's pretty powerful.

Stewie: Yeah, it's like the time I was stuck in the washing machine at the laundromat.