Peter: Alright, let's see here, Psalms 100. Uh, it's about praising God, y'know, for all the good things that He's done for us.
Lois: Yeah, and it says to make a joyful noise to the Lord!
Meg: You mean like a *Bon Jovi guitar riff*?
Brian: No Meg, I think it like means singing, or shouting.
Peter: Hey, it also says that we should come into His courts with thanksgiving. Sort of like a Thanksgiving dinner, but in Heaven.
Lois: That sounds nice.
Chris: So, are we supposed to bring like, green bean casserole and stuffing and stuff?
Peter: No, no, no, Chris, I think it's more like being thankful in our hearts.
Stewie: Or maybe it means we can bring a gift-wrapped box of chocolates and a gift certificate to the spa!
Brian: I don't think that's what it means, Stewie.
Peter: Yeah, well, either way, it's a reminder to be thankful and to praise the Lord.