Peter: Alright, so Psalms 8! This is a good one. So it starts off with the psalmist saying, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" So, like, God must be like really cool, right?
Lois: Peter, you're missing the point.
Peter: Oh, okay, okay. So it goes on to say that God has made his name known throughout the world and that he made people and put them in charge of everything on earth. That's kinda like when I was put in charge of the beer at that party last week.
Stewie: *Rolls eyes* Please. As if you were ever in charge of anything.
Peter: Hey! I was in charge of the beer!
Lois: Moving on, the psalmist is saying that God has made us so much lower than the angels, but he has still given us honor and glory and made us rulers over all the works of his hands.
Brian: Yeah, that's pretty impressive. I mean, it's like when I got that promotion at the office. I was so much lower than the other guys, but I still got the glory in the end.
Stewie: Yes, yes, but let's not forget that God is also the one who put the stars in the sky and made them all in order. It's like when I arranged all of my toys by color last week. I was in control of everything, just like God!