Peter: Alright, so Chapter 143 of Psalms starts off with this dude, David, talking to God and asking him to hear his prayer.

Lois: Uh huh.

Brian: Yeah, so he's basically telling God that he's feeling really down and needs some help.

Meg: He's really pouring out his heart to the Lord, you know like that song by Justin Bieber?

Peter: Uh, sure Meg. Anyway, David is also asking God to show him the path that he should take so he can avoid his enemies.

Stewie: Oh, that's like the plot of Batman Begins!

Lois: Stewie, this is serious.

Peter: Yeah, so David is also asking God to make his life easier so he can live in peace.

Brian: Sounds like he's having a pretty rough time.

Lois: He sure is.

Peter: And then David ends his prayer by saying that he trusts in God and will always praise him.

Meg: Aww, that's so sweet.

Stewie: Yeah, like that one song by Taylor Swift.