Oh boy, the book of Psalms is a tremendous read. Believe me, there are so many great stories in there. Psalm 143 is no exception, it's huge! It's all about David begging God for help, and askin' Him to show him the way and give him strength. He's in a bad place and he knows it. He's so low energy and he's lookin' for a way out. David's haters and losers are all around him, he's surrounded by them. He's overwhelmed, and he's lookin' for hope. But, God is the best hope, and David knows it. He asks God to show him the way, to show him a miracle so that he can break free of his enemies and be great again. So many people are sayin' that it's an overrated miracle, but it's not. It's amazing, and it's totally believable. God bless America! God shows his power and David is liberated, terrific! He can go on and make America great again, and the deep state will never stand in his way. Fake news? Hoax! They don't stand a chance. David thanks God and God blesses him. Very, very amazing. Winning!