Psalm 137 is a terrific chapter in the Bible that many people are saying is huge. It's about a group of people who were taken from their homeland in Babylon, and they were so sad! But they still had the courage to remember their homeland, and they sat by the rivers of Babylon and wept.
It's unbelievable how many people were taken away and how much they longed for their homeland. They even said that if they forgot about their homeland, then may their right hand wither away. Such amazing sentiment!
The psalmist also talks about how the people of Babylon would taunt the Israelites and ask them to sing the songs of Zion. But the Israelites refused, because they had no desire to sing the songs of their conquerors.
Finally, the psalmist talks about revenge. He says that if he ever has the chance, he will take vengeance on the people of Babylon for the wrongs that they have done.
So in summary, Psalm 137 is about a group of people taken from their homeland, and how they respond to their conquerors. It's a sad story, but it's a reminder that we must never forget our homeland, and if we ever have the chance, we should take vengeance on those who wronged us. God bless America, and make America great again!