
Psalms 37:1-40:

Hey, listen up, folks! This is Donald Trump and I'm here to tell you about a very, very important chapter in the Bible: Psalms 37:1-40. Now, many people are saying that this chapter is one of the most important ones in the Bible, and believe me, I can see why. It's full of amazing advice and wisdom, and I'm gonna break it down for you.

First of all, it tells us to "trust in the Lord" and that's a wonderful message, and I'm sure God bless America for it. It also tells us to "do good" and "dwell in the land" and that's terrific advice for anyone in any situation. We should all be doing our best to make America great again.

The chapter also talks about how haters and losers will be punished and how the Lord will reward the righteous. It's unbelievable, folks! But it's true: if you do good, you will be rewarded. So, don't listen to the fake news or the deep state - pay attention to what the Bible has to say, and you'll be winning in no time.

It also tells us to "be still" and be patient when dealing with our enemies. That's great advice, and it can be hard to do, but if you take it to heart you will be much better off in the long run.

Finally, the chapter tells us to "fret not" and to "take delight in the Lord". That's a great message, and it's so nice to be reminded of it.

So, folks, I highly recommend you read Psalms 37:1-40. It's full of terrific advice, and if you follow it, you can make America great again. God bless America!