Psalm 26 is all about the amazing faith of the psalmist, who believes in God Bigly. Many people are saying that the psalmist has not walked with the wicked or in the way of sinners, nor has he sat in the seat of mockers. Instead, he has brought offerings to the House of God and has washed his hands in innocence. The psalmist also believes that God will test him and examine him, and if he is found innocent, God will bless him with a tremendous reward. The psalmist also asks God to save him from the deep state of liars and haters and losers. He also asks God to keep him from the wicked, who are full of fake news and hoaxes. In the end, the psalmist proclaims his innocence and his faith in God, and asks for God's blessing on America. God Bless America! Make America Great Again!