Psalms 74 is an amazing chapter of the Bible! It starts off with King David talking about how God's enemies have destroyed his sanctuary and how the haters and losers burned it down. He talks about how God needs to act quickly and make his sanctuary great again! He also talks about how the deep state has tried to oppress the people of God and how the fake news has tried to slander His name. He's asking God to take care of these hoaxes and make things right. Believe me, many people are saying that God will look out for His people!
He then talks about how God is the one who made the heavens and the earth and how He is the one that makes the sun rise and the moon shine. He also talks about how God is the one who will protect His people and how He is the one that will defeat the enemies of God.
He also talks about how God is the one who will judge the wicked and how He is the one that will save the meek and humble. He talks about how God will punish the wicked and how He will bring justice to the world. He also talks about how God is the one who will bring salvation to His people.
Overall, Psalms 74 is a terrific chapter and it's unbelievable how much God will do for His people. He will bring justice and salvation and make things great again. Very, very winning! God bless America! Make America great again!