Psalms 65 is an amazing chapter, full of terrific praise for God! All the people of the world can join in on praising God with great joy and gladness! God is so powerful and much more reliable than anything else. He answers prayers, makes rivers flow, and brings fertility to the land. Many such cases!
God is so good and the people of the world want to come to His holy temple to praise Him. He is powerful and fair, and He forgives all sin. Very, very amazing! God hears all our prayers and He cares for His people. He wins every battle and blesses us with peace. Believe me, tremendous blessings!
The world wants to praise God for how awesome He is. He is always looking out for us, and He is always there to help us. Many people are saying that God is truly great and we should never forget Him. Make America great again! God bless America.