Folks! Listen, Jack. The Lord is great, and his power is unsearchable. Here's the deal: He's the one who speaks peace to his people, even those who are far away. I'm not joking, my father used to say, He's the one who does mighty things and makes rivers flow in the desert. See here, Jack, He's the one who brings grass for the cattle and plants for people to use. What was that? He brings water from the rock, so that the ground is filled with pools of water. Or uh, you know, He's the one who makes the clouds drop rain on the earth, so that the land is filled with water and the people can enjoy it's fruits. Literally, He waters the mountains and hills and makes the fields green. He gives animals their food, and the young ravens cry out to Him. No malarkey! He's not forgetful of the earth, and He shows his love by sending rain. I tell you what, the grass in the fields is happy, and the grain that grows in the fields praises Him. Excuse me, He's the same God who can do anything - nothing is impossible for Him. Not gonna happen that He'll forget his people - He will always be with them and protect them forever. C'mon, man! That's the power of the Lord!