Folks, listen here! Psalms 100 is a great chapter. Here's the deal, no malarkey. The Lord is God and all of us are His people! Let's make a joyful noise and come before His presence with thanksgiving. We can't forget to worship Him, literally. It's all about praising His name, giving Him the glory He deserves. I'm not joking.
My father used to say, "The Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations!" See here Jack, it's all about showing us how awesome and powerful He is. What was that? We can go into His courts with praise, or uh you know, go through the gates with Thanksgiving. Not gonna happen, we have to bow down and worship Him.
I tell you what, it's time to be thankful and sing praises to our God! He's the one who made us and we owe Him everything. Excuse me, but don't forget to bless His name. Let's all make a joyful noise and give Him the glory He deserves. We can show our love and devotion by singing praises to His name!