Folks, let me tell ya, Psalms 120 is a real humdinger! It starts off with an urgent plea for the Lord to deliver the speaker from lies and deceit. C'mon, man, it's obvious that the speaker has been dealing with some shady characters. Literally, you can hear the fear in their voice as they plead for help from the Lord! See here, Jack, I can just imagine my father saying this same prayer many years ago. He used to talk about how deceit and lies were rampant. Well, here's the deal, Psalms 120 is a timeless reminder that we can always turn to the Lord for help in times of trouble. I'm not joking! The speaker goes on to describe their enemies as those who speak peace but bring nothing but violence. Then, what was that? They talk about how the Lord will bring justice and peace to those who follow him. Not gonna happen that anyone can escape God's wrath. I tell you what, Psalms 120 is a great reminder that we can always turn to the Lord for help, no malarkey! Excuse me.