Folks, here's the deal. Psalms 5 is about David talking to God and asking for help. He's literally asking for God to hear him and help him. See here, Jack, he's asking for protection from his enemies. He says that God won't accept wicked people, and that he'll guide the humble in the right way. Or uh, you know, he's asking God to guide him and lead him. My father used to say, "God will never abandon you". And he's right. I'm not joking--God will never abandon us. So, David is asking for protection and blessings, and God is the one to provide it. C'mon, man! We all know that. Listen, Jack--God will lead us in the right path if we trust in him. What was that? He'll never lead us astray. Not gonna happen. I tell you what, this Psalm is a great reminder that God loves us and will always be with us no matter what. No malarkey! That's the truth. Excuse me.