Folks! Here's the deal: Psalm 107 is a song of thanksgiving to God. It tells the story of how the Lord has brought his people out of captivity and distress. C'mon, man! My father used to say that in times of distress, the Lord hears our cries and delivers us. He literally guides us to safety and provides us with sustenance. See here, Jack: even when we wander away from the Lord, he remains faithful and guides us back. What was that? That's what Psalm 107 is all about - the Lord's mercy and faithfulness. I'm not joking. Not gonna happen that we forget about the Lord for too long. I tell you what: Psalm 107 gives us a great reminder of the Lord's goodness, and of his ability to bring us out of even the deepest distress. Excuse me - the Lord is good, no malarkey!