Folks, listen up, c'mon man! My father used to say that if you do the Lord's work, you'll be blessed with a long life, so I'm telling you what: you'll be rewarded for being a good person. That's what Psalms 128 is all about. See here, Jack, it says that if you follow the Lord, you'll be blessed in the city, and your wife and children will be blessed as well. That's literally what the good book says. And if you work hard and do your duty, no malarkey, then your crops will be plentiful and your life will be filled with joy. What was that? Did I say life will be filled with joy? I'm not joking, literally! Your barns will be filled with plenty of crops, and your cattle will abound. That's what it says in the Bible, folks. So, if you want to live a long and happy life, you better not mess around and follow the Lord, or uh, you know, it's not gonna happen.