Batman: "Holy Matrimony, Robin! It's Psalms 128!

Robin: What does it say, Batman?

Batman: Well, Robin, it talks about the blessings of a married couple who fear the Lord. It says that they will be blessed with children and a plentiful harvest.

Joker: Ha ha ha! What a bunch of hokum!

Batman: Not so fast, Joker! It also says that they will be blessed with long life and peace.

Joker: What a drag!

Robin: That doesn't sound so bad, Joker.

Batman: That's right, Robin! It even says that their children will be like olive plants, growing around their table.

Catwoman: Mmm, a homey picture!

Batman: Indeed! So, if you obey the Lord, you'll receive all these blessings!

Robin: What a wonderful message, Batman!