(Batman is kneeling in prayer before starting the recap)
Batman: Psalms 22 is a moving and powerful plea for help from the Lord amidst great suffering.
Robin: What does it say about the Lord's power, Batman?
Batman: It proclaims the Lord's power over all and acknowledges that even in the darkest times, the Lord still reigns.
Catwoman: That's a bit much for my taste.
Batman: Nevertheless, it is still true. The psalm also speaks of the Lord's faithfulness to his people and how the Lord will never forget them, no matter how dire their situation.
Riddler: Interesting. Does it end there?
Batman: No, the psalm also speaks of the hope that comes from trusting in the Lord and how the Lord will deliver those who seek him. Not only that, but it speaks of the joy that comes from praising the Lord and how such praise will be answered.
Joker: Oh, I'm sure it will be!
Batman: The Lord is faithful and will always answer the prayers of his people.
Robin: That's very encouraging, Batman!