Joker: "Ha ha ha! I'm about to unleash my worst scheme yet! Nothing can stop me now!"
Batman: "Not so fast, Joker! I've got a secret weapon that's sure to foil your plan!"
Robin: "What is it, Batman? Some kind of amazing gadget?"
Batman: "No, Robin. It's the wisdom of Psalms 34! For those who fear the Lord, it says, 'taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.' It's a surefire defense against evil!"
Joker: "Oh, please! What good can a few words do against my diabolical plan?"
Batman: "More than you think, Joker! Psalms 34 also advises those who seek the Lord to 'come and proclaim his works with singing.' That's a surefire way to put a stop to your shenanigans!"
Joker: "Rats! You may have won this battle, Batman, but I'll be back!"
Batman: "We'll be ready for you, Joker! In the meantime, let's take a moment to remember the words of Psalms 34: 'The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.' May those words be a source of comfort and strength to all."