Batman: Holy Scripture, Robin! It's time to read Psalms 25.
Robin: You got it, Batman!
Batman: The Psalmist cries out to the Lord for mercy, asking for guidance and protection. He also asks for forgiveness of sins and redemption from enemies.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a bunch of religious nonsense!
Batman: Silence, Joker! We shall not be interrupted. Robin, continue.
Robin: The Psalmist promises to lead a life of integrity, to stay loyal to the Lord and follow His instructions. He prays for the Lord to show him the path of His righteousness, and to teach him how to trust in Him.
Catwoman: Oh, how sweet! That's so romantic!
Batman: Catwoman, if you don't mind I'd prefer if you kept your comments to yourself.
Catwoman: Alright, alright, no need to get testy.
Batman: The Psalmist also asks the Lord to remember his affliction and suffering, and to forgive his sins. He ends the Psalm with a declaration of faith in the Lord and a promise to always trust in Him.
Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! That was a truly inspiring Psalm.
Batman: Indeed it was, Robin. Let us remember its message and always stay loyal to the Lord.