Batman: Holy Scripture, Robin! A Psalm of Praise by King David.

Robin: You mean the one that goes, "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart, in the company of the upright and in the assembly?"

Batman: That's the one.

Joker: Hey, what's going on?

Batman: We're summarizing Psalm 111. The psalmist is praising the Lord for all his mighty works and wonders.

Robin: He's also thanking God for His righteousness and faithfulness and for His wonderful deeds.

Joker: Boring!

Batman: Not so fast, you clown. The psalmist is reminding us that the Lord's commandments are trustworthy and will stand forever.

Robin: And that all His precepts are just and sure, to be revered and sought out by all who seek wisdom.

Joker: Ugh, I'm outta here.

Batman: Before you go, remember this: The Lord's deeds are to be remembered and praised by all generations!