Batman: You know, Robin, Psalms 81 is a call to Israel to listen to God and keep his commandments.

Robin: Yes, Batman, and it talks about how God would have provided blessings if the Israelites had only been faithful.

Catwoman: Not to mention that if they had followed God's instructions, they would have been spared from many of the troubles they faced.

Batman: Right you are, Catwoman. But unfortunately, the Israelites rebelled and disobeyed the Lord.

Joker: Heh heh! That's why you gotta stay one step ahead of the game, Bats and Robin!

Robin: The psalm also talks about how God will punish those who do not obey Him, but he will also forgive those who repent and return to him.

Batman: That's right, Robin, and it's a reminder to all of us of the importance of following God's commands.