(Batman and Robin are standing at the entrance of the Batcave)
Batman: In the Book of Psalms, Chapter 73, we learn of the struggles and ultimate faith of the psalmist.
Robin: That's right, Batman. The psalmist has seen the prosperity of the wicked and has been jealous of their success. He feels that his faithfulness has not been rewarded.
Catwoman: But then the psalmist realizes that he should take comfort in God and not envy the prosperity of the wicked.
Batman: Indeed Catwoman. He realizes that the wicked will be destroyed and that he should be loyal and faithful to God.
Robin: In the end, the psalmist finds that his faith and trust in God are what really matters.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a silly lesson!
Batman: Not so silly Joker. The lesson of Psalms 73 is that our trust in God is what truly matters!