Batman: Holy Catch-22, Robin! We're looking at Psalm 94.

Robin: Aye-aye, Batman!

Batman: It's a plea for justice from a persecuted people, who are crying out to God for help.

Joker: Ha ha ha! You wish!

Batman: (glaring at Joker) The Lord will not ignore their cries, the psalmist says. He will judge their oppressors, and the wicked will be destroyed.

Catwoman: Meow! What a cheerful thought!

Robin: Indeed, Catwoman! The psalmist also gives us hope, saying that the Lord will protect the weak and needy and that justice will prevail.

Riddler: Riddle me this: How will justice prevail?

Batman: Justice will prevail because the Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. He will be a shield and defender to all who put their trust in Him.

Penguin: Blimey! That's some powerful protection.

Batman: Indeed, Penguin. And so, in the end, justice will be served and the wicked will be brought to justice.

Robin: Holy justice, Batman!