Batman: Old King David was in a bad way, Robin. He was in the midst of a great battle, and he was all alone.

Robin: But, Batman, that's terrible! How did he make it out?

Batman: He called upon the Lord, Robin. He cried out to Him for help, and the Lord came to his aid.

Joker: That's just not fair! Batman and Robin always get the help they need. I wish I had someone to help me.

Batman: The Lord is always there to help us in our time of need, Joker. He will never forsake us.

Robin: That's right, Joker! King David praised the Lord for His help and salvation. He praised Him for His power and strength.

Catwoman: Wow, that's really inspiring! It almost makes me want to believe in God.

Batman: You should, Catwoman. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He will never let you down.

Joker: Well, I don't know about that. I've never seen God help anyone before.

Robin: He was there for King David, Joker. He helped him through his dark days, and He will help you, too. Just remember to call upon Him and trust in Him.