Alex: Alright, so tell me a bit about yourself.
Contestant: Well, I thought it might be interesting to review the Bible chapter by chapter. For example, Psalms 77.
Alex: (Sighing) Yeeeaaah....okay. What does it say?
Contestant: It begins with a cry for help from the psalmist who is feeling overwhelmed by God's absence and wonders if He has abandoned them. But then the psalmist remembers all the miracles God has done in the past, from leading the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea, to providing them with manna and quail in the wilderness.
The psalmist also reflects on how God can use the darkness to teach us, and how His wrath and love can coexist. In the end, the psalmist finds solace in the fact that God is always there and never changes.
Alex: (Rolling his eyes) That's...very nice. Any other hobbies?