Alex: "Well, it looks like you're an interesting contestant today! Tell me a bit about yourself!"
Contestant: "Well, Alex, I thought I'd tell you a bit about Psalm 39 from the Bible!"
Alex: "Um, let's talk about something else, shall we? What do you like to do in your spare time?"
Contestant: "That's nice, but I'd rather tell you about Psalm 39. It starts off with the psalmist lamenting his sinful state and then asking God to keep him from sinning further."
Alex: "Yes, that's all very nice, but can we talk about something else? How about your hobbies?"
Contestant: "Sure, but I was talking about Psalm 39. It goes on to talk about how fleeting life is and how fleeting our plans are as well. It ends with the psalmist asking God to be merciful to him."
Alex (sighing): "Right, okay. Can we please talk about something else now?"