Alex: "Alright, let's get to know you a bit better, (Contestant's Name) What have you been up to lately?"
Contestant: "Well, Alex, I've actually been studying the Bible. I thought I'd summarize it for you chapter by chapter."
Alex: (sighs) "Uh, really? That's... great... I guess? Let's hear it then. What can you tell me about Psalms 129?"
Contestant: "Psalms 129 talks about how the enemies of the Lord have oppressed His people for a long time, but that the Lord will eventually restore them and give them peace. It also talks about how the Lord will bless those who trust in Him and keep His commands. Finally, it ends with a plea for God to remember His people and to show them mercy."
Alex: (tries to stay patient) "That's, uh, very nice. Now, what about your hobbies and interests outside of Bible study?"