Alex Trebek: So, tell me a bit about yourself!

Contestant: Well, I actually wanted to tell you a bit about the Bible. Specifically, Psalms 37.

Alex Trebek: *sighs* Okay, go ahead.

Contestant: Psalms 37 is all about trusting in the Lord and not worrying about the wicked. It encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith and not be jealous of the wicked and their prosperity. It urges us to commit our way to the Lord and trust in Him to bring justice. The Lord will ultimately prevail and the wicked will be destroyed, so we shouldn't worry about them.

Alex Trebek: *sighs again* Great. Anything else?

Contestant: Yes, the psalm also stresses that the righteous need to wait patiently on the Lord, as He will eventually deliver them from evil. The psalm also speaks of the Lord's goodness and mercy, and that He will provide for those who trust in Him.

Alex Trebek: *sighs yet again in frustration* Alright then. Moving on...