Batman: Holy book of books, Robin! We must hurry to the Bat-Cave and investigate Psalms 123!

Robin: Holy blazing bibles, Batman! What do you think we'll find?

Batman: Let's take a look and find out, Robin.

(The Dynamic Duo rush to the Bat-Cave and read Psalms 123)

Robin: Holy sacred scriptures, Batman! It looks like the writer is asking for help from the Lord above.

Batman: Indeed, Robin. He is asking for mercy from the Lord, for he and his people have been ridiculed by the proud and arrogant.

Catwoman: Ha ha ha! You two are so naive! Have you ever been humiliated by the proud and arrogant?

Batman: That's enough, Catwoman! We understand the plight of the writer and we will not stand for such injustice!

Robin: Holy heavenly help, Batman! I'm so glad we can help those in need.

Batman: Indeed, Robin. Let us never forget that the Lord will always provide mercy and help to those who call upon Him.