(Batman and Robin are walking through a dark alley, Robin holding a flashlight)
Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! It looks like we've got a new case on our hands.
Batman: You're right, Robin! We must turn to the book of Psalms for the answer. Let's start with Chapter 83.
Catwoman: (jumps down from a rooftop) Not so fast, heroes! It's me, Catwoman! I'm here to steal the secrets of Psalm 83 for myself!
Batman: Not if we can help it, Catwoman!
Catwoman: (giggles) Alright, alright. You can have it. It's all about God's enemies plotting against him.
Robin: That's right, Catwoman! The psalmist calls out to God, asking Him to defeat all of His enemies. He also prays that God will bring His people together so that they can stand together against their foes.
Batman: Then the psalmist lists all of God's enemies, from the Edomites to the Philistines, and asks God to shame them and destroy them.
Catwoman: Wow, that's intense! I guess I should stay away from this chapter!
Robin: You should, Catwoman! God's vengeance is strong, and He will protect His people.