Batman: Greetings citizens! This is Batman and Robin, here to give you a summary of scripture chapter by verse!

Robin: Today we are discussing Psalm 100.

Batman: Let us begin!

Joker: (interrupting) Ah, the Book of Psalms! *evil chuckle*

Batman: Joker! What are you doing here?

Joker: Oh, just keeping you two on your toes.

Robin: Pay him no mind. Psalm 100 begins with the psalmist calling on the people of the Lord to make a joyful noise unto the Lord and to serve him with gladness.

Batman: Indeed. The psalmist also instructs us to come into the Lord's presence with singing and to know that the Lord is God.

Joker: *sigh* Don't you ever get tired of all this talk about God?

Robin: He's everywhere!

Batman: We should enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise and be thankful to him and bless his name.

Joker: Oh, come on! Can't we talk about something else?

Batman: Joker, this is the Word of the Lord! We must pay attention and heed his words.

Robin: Indeed. The psalmist then goes on to say that the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endures to all generations.

Batman: Yes, what a powerful message. We should all strive to live by these words.

Joker: *sigh* Alright, if I must.

Batman: You must! Now, let's all join in and make a joyful noise to the Lord!